Adult Counseling/Advocacy for Domestic Violence SurvivorsThe non-residential Counseling Program is designed to provide adult victims of domestic and sexual violence immediate and confidential short-term, crisis-based counseling services. Our trained counselors provide victims the opportunity to talk, express their feelings and emotions, reflect and ask questions on the issues surrounding their situation. The counselors will meet with the victims, survivors, and their loved ones at any stage of the crisis or healing process. Our program focuses on an educational component of violence covering topics like: The Dynamics of Domestic and Sexual Violence, Power and Control, Types of Abuse, Stages of Healing, Safety Planning, Available Resources, Drug Facilitated Rape and Coping with Flashbacks. All our services are free and confidential. Our counselors can also make referrals to long-term counseling dependent on the client's needs after services at RAVE.
Schedule an Appointment
Stephanie Ogden, LLMSW Domestic and Sexual Violence Direct Services Supervisor & Therapist p: 616-527-3351 ext. 228 e: [email protected] Marcie Maleport Domestic Violence Advocate p: 616-699-5018 e: |
Adult and Child Therapy for Sexual Assault SurvivorsThe sexual assault therapy program is designed to provide long-term therapy to adults and children who have been affected by sexual violence. The therapist specializes in addressing the vast effects of sexual assault and can provide trauma-informed services to a diverse population of men, women, children, adolescents, adults, foster care/adoption, and families who have endured the trauma associated with sexual violence. Our purpose is to help clients feel comfortable and as safe as possible, so they are empowered to initiate the changes they want to see in their life. In a collaborative environment, the therapist strives to help individuals navigate hurts of the past, deal with stressors of the present, increase awareness of, and access to, inner strengths and outside resources, and to encourage healing and resiliency.
Schedule an Appointment
Patricia Barlow Bray Sexual Assault Advocate p: 616-527-3351 ext. 230 e: [email protected] |
Youth Services for Children Affected by Domestic and Sexual ViolenceThis program is designed to provide children who experience and/or witness domestic and sexual violence an opportunity for healing. The program is designed for children 4 to 17 years of age. Counselors who specialize in either domestic violence or sexual assault meet with the children and provide immediate and confidential short-term, crisis-based advocacy or counseling. Our counselors and advocates use a variety of techniques when working with children. Some would include Play Therapy and the use of Art. The counselor provides the child with supportive listening, the expression of feelings, ways to deal with the trauma, safety plans, communication techniques and positive coping mechanisms. Our counselors and advocates can also make referrals to long-term counseling dependent on the client's needs after services at RAVE.